Kent M. Lancaster
Academic Rank/Department:
Adjunct Professor of Advertising
Campus Address:
University of MiamiSchool of CommunicationDepartment of Strategic Communication5100 Brunson Dr.Coral Gables, Florida 33146
Business Address:
Global Media Research, Inc.Kent M. Lancaster, Ph.D., President10005 SW 143rd StreetMiami, Florida 33176-7075
Educational Background:
- Ph.D., Mass Media, Michigan State University (June, 1979)
- M.A., Advertising, Michigan State University (June, 1976)
- B.S., Business Admin, Ferris State University (March, 1971)
- A.A., Grand Rapids Community College (June, 1969)
- University of Miami, Adjunct Professor of Advertising, August 2000-present.
- University of Florida, Professor of Advertising, August 1990-August 2000.
- University of Florida, Associate Professor of Advertising, August 1988-July 1990.
- University of Florida, Gannett Distinguished Visiting Professor of Advertising, January-July 1988.
- University of Illinois, Associate Professor of Advertising, August 1985-July 1988.
- University of Illinois, Assistant Professor of Advertising, August 1978-July 1985.
- Michigan State University, Teaching/Research Assistant, September 1976-August 1978.
- Consultant in advertising media planning, budgeting, and market analysis to a variety of public and private organizations; media planning expert witness for cases involving class action media notice plans, media competition and antitrust, and corrective advertising media planning and evaluation.
- Global Media Research founded and incorporated in January 2000.
Tenure Status (Year Awarded):
- Tenured, University of Florida (August 1990)
- Tenured, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (August 1985)
Honors & Awards
- Winner (1990) and co-winner (1989) of the college-wide Faculty Research Award, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida.
- Recognized for outstanding service as Gannett Distinguished Visiting Professor of Advertising, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida, April 5, 1988.
- Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, University of Illinois, elected 1987.
- Kappa Tau Alpha, Journalism Honorary Society, University of Illinois, 1979.
Contracts & Grants:
- Kent Lancaster and Tara Michels, "Auditing World Wide Web Document Usage," Summer, 1995, Division of Sponsored Research, University of Florida, $3,000.
- Faculty Research Summer Award, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida, $2,000, 1993.
- Faculty Research Summer Award, College of Journalism and Communications, University of Florida, $3,000, 1991.
- Apple Computers, Inc., $13,000 college-matched grant for Macintosh computer equipment, July 1988.
Graduate Faculty Status:
- Doctoral Research Faculty, University of Florida, 1989
- Graduate Studies Faculty, University of Florida, 1988
- Indefinite Graduate Faculty Status, University of Illinois, 1988
- Graduate Faculty, University of Illinois, 1978
Graduate Committee Status:
- Master's theses chaired: 9
- Dissertations chaired: University of Florida: 8; University of Illinois: 2
- Master's committee memberships: 10
- Dissertation committees: University of Florida: 12; University of Illinois: 5
Teaching Activities:
University of Miami
- Advertising Media Planning (STC 388, Undergraduate)
- Social Media Analytics (STC 444, COM 609, STC 629, Graduate and Undergraduate)
- Mobile Application Development (CIM 413-613, Graduate and Undergraduate)
- Digital, Mobile and Web Media Evaluation (STC 488, Undergraduate)
- Advertising Campaigns (STC 434, Undergraduate)
- Advanced Promotional Writing (Undergraduate)
Florida International University
- Media Planning (ADV 4300, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advertising and Public Relations Internship (MMC 4945, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Applied Research Methods in the Mass Media (MMC 5440, Graduate)
- The Literature of Integrated Communication (MMC 6416, Graduate, team taught)
University of Florida
- Advertising Research (ADV 3501, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advertising Media Planning (ADV 4300, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Individual Problems (ADV 4905, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advanced Advertising Media Research and Planning (ADV 6305, Graduate)
- New, Evolving and Interactive Media (MMC 6402, Doctoral Seminar)
- Mass Media Audience Measurement (MMC 6402, Doctoral Seminar)
- Individual Work (MMC 6905, Graduate)
- Computer Models in Mass Communication (MMC 6936b, Doctoral Seminar)
- Masters Research (MMC 6971, Graduate)
- Advanced Research (MMC 7979, Doctoral)
- Doctoral Research (MMC 7980, Doctoral)
University of Illinois
- Introduction to Advertising (ADV 281, Undergraduate)
- Advertising Media Planning and Strategy (ADV 383, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advertising Management: Strategy and Tactics (ADV 392, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advertising and Contemporary Society (ADV 393, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advanced Advertising Media Planning and Research (ADV 291/490, 394, Graduate and Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Economic and Social Aspects of Advertising (ADV 481, Graduate)
- Advertising and Communications Research (ADV 482, Graduate)
- Advertising Planning and Decision Making (ADV 485, Graduate)
Michigan State University
- Introduction to Advertising (ADV 205, Undergraduate)
- Advertising Management (Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advertising and Society (ADV 465, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Advertising Research (ADV 475, Undergraduate, Upper Division)
- Kent Lancaster, ADplus™ with FlowMaster™: For Multi-Media Advertising Planning, Release 3.3.9 of ADplus™, Windows Version, New York: Telmar Information Services Corp., October 1993-March 1999, 175 pages. Many subsequent versions have been distributed through 5.0.58, May 2018. Package is adapted to Telmar and other media systems and data in the US, Europe, South Africa, and the Caribbean, among others. Previous editions include February 1992, August 1992, Upgrade Supplement, January 1992, Macintosh™ Version (November 1990), DOS Version (June 1990).
- Japanese translation of Kent M. Lancaster and Helen E. Katz, Strategic Media Planning, by Shizue Kishi and Sei Takeuchi, Tokyo: Nikkei Advertising Research Institute, 1992, 390 pages.
- Kent M. Lancaster, ADLAB: For Advertising Media Planning on the IBM, Macintosh, and Compatibles, Madison: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1989 (64 pages plus microcomputer software).
- Kent M. Lancaster, Instructor's Manual, ADLAB: For Advertising Media Planning on the IBM, Macintosh, and Compatibles, Madison: Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1989 (134 pages plus software).
- Kent M. Lancaster and Helen E. Katz, Strategic Media Planning, Lincolnwood, Illinois: National Textbook Company, 1989 (285 pages plus software). This text includes IBM, Macintosh, and compatible software. Previous editions were published as a special Advertising Working Paper, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: January 1988, August 1987, November 1986, June 1986, January 1986 (full and abridged versions), and August 1985.
Book Chapters
- Michael Hoefges and Kent M. Lancaster, "Utilizing Mass Media Advertising for Legal Notice in Class Action Lawsuits," in Amy Reynolds and Brooke Barnett (editors), Communication and Law: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Research, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2006, Chapter 16, pp. 349-69.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Brand Advertising Competition and Industry Demand," in Roxanne Hovland and Gary B. Wilcox, (editors), Advertising in Society: Classic and Contemporary Readings on Advertising's Role in Society, Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1988, Chapter 20, pp. 334-56.
Refereed Articles
- Alyse R. Lancaster and Kent M. Lancaster, “A 20-year Examination of Consumer Magazine Circulation: Have Magazines Really Been Displaced as an Advertising Medium?” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Cincinnati Ohio, March 27-29, 2009.
- Avery M. Abernethy, Alyse R. Lancaster, Kent M. Lancaster, and Daniel Padgett, "How Frequently Do Large Consumer Magazines Fail to Achieve their Advertising Rate Base? An Analysis of Publishers’ Statements and Audit Reports," Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Volume 30, Number 1 (Spring 2008), pp. 1-12.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Alyse R. Lancaster, “Estimating Message Exposure Probability of Magazine Advertising,” Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, San Francisco, California, March 27-31, 2008, p. 317.
- Abernethy, Avery M., Alyse R. Lancaster, and Kent M. Lancaster, "How Frequently Do Large Consumer Magazines Fail to Achieve their Advertising Rate Base? An Analysis of Publishers’ Statements and Audit Reports," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Houston, Texas, March 31-April 3, 2005, p. 147.
- Alyse R. Lancaster and Kent M. Lancaster, "Deadening Minds with ‘Tombstone’ Layouts: A Content Analysis of Class Action Notice Advertisements," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Houston, Texas, March 31-April 3, 2005, p. 178.
- Alyse R. Lancaster and Kent M. Lancaster, "Estimating Media Plan Effectiveness: A Survey of US Media Directors," (Abstract) Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 25-28, 2004, p. 238.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Alyse R. Lancaster, "A reply to the comment of Franke and Andrews on ‘The economics of tobacco advertising: spending, demand and the effects of bans," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22(4), December 2003, pp. 397-413.
- Alyse R. Lancaster and Kent M. Lancaster, "Teenage Exposure to Cigarette Advertising in Popular Consumer Magazines," Journal of Advertising, Vol. 32, No. 3, Fall 2003, pp. 69-76.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Alyse R. Lancaster, "MRI versus SMRB: How Different Research Methods Influence Publication Readership Estimates," (Abstract) Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Denver- Broomfield, Colorado, March 27-30, 2003, p242.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Alyse R. Lancaster, "The economics of tobacco advertising: spending, demand and the effects of bans," International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 22(1), January 2003, pp. 41-65.
- Alyse R. Lancaster and Kent M. Lancaster, "Reaching Insomniacs with Television PSAs: Poor Placement of Important Messages," Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 35(2), October/November 2002, pp. 150-170.
- Alyse R. Lancaster and Kent M. Lancaster, "Teenage Exposure to Cigarette Advertising in Popular Consumer Magazines: Vehicle Versus Message Reach and Frequency," (Abstract) Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Jacksonville, FL, March 21-24, 2002, p. 112.
- Alyse R. Gotthoffer and Kent M. Lancaster, "None for the Road: The Effectiveness of Radio in the Ad Council’s Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 29-April 1, 2001, forthcoming.
- Alyse R. Gotthoffer and Kent M. Lancaster, "Estimating the Audience Coverage of PSAs: The Ad Council’s Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign," Journal of Advertising Research, in press.
- R. Michael Hoefges and Kent M. Lancaster, "The Critical Role of Advertising Media Planning In Federal "Rule 23" Class Action Notice," Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 19 (2) Fall 2000, 201-212.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Alyse R. Gotthoffer, "The Economics of Tobacco Advertising: Spending, Demand and the Effects of Bans," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Newport, Rhode Island, April 14-17, 2000, p. 45.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Tara Anne Michels, "Advertising Exposure Distributions on Electronic Newspapers," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Lexington, Kentucky, March 27-30, 1998, pp. 167-173.
- Tara Anne Michels and Kent M. Lancaster, "Advertising Audience Measurement on Electronic Newspapers," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, St. Louis, Missouri, April 4-7, 1997, pp. 58-68.
- Hugh M. Cannon, Sung-Joon Yoon, and Kent M. Lancaster, "A Revised Regression Model for Linking Media and Market Data," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Norfolk, Virginia, March 24-27, 1995, pp. 139-146.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Virginia Pelati and Jungsik Cho, "Perceptions of Leading Media Directors About Advertising Repetition Effects," Journal of Media Planning, Spring 1991, pp. 3-16 (lead article).
- Lisa Morris, Kent M. Lancaster, and Jungsik Cho, "The Role of Intuition in Advertising Decision-making," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 1991, pp. 91-101.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Helen E. Katz, and Jungsik Cho, "Advertising faculty describes theory v. practice debate," Journalism Educator, Spring 1990, pp. 9-21.
- Helen E. Katz and Kent M. Lancaster, "Toward a Normative Theory of Advertising Media Planning," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, San Diego, California, April 17-20, 1989, p. RC-94.
- Helen E. Katz and Kent M. Lancaster, "How Leading Advertisers and Agencies Use Cable Television," Journal of Advertising Research, February/March 1989, pp. 30-38.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Thomas C. Martin, "Teachers of Advertising media courses describe techniques, show computer applications," Journalism Educator, Winter 1989, pp. 17-24, 68, 71.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Thomas C. Martin, "Estimating Audience Duplication among Consumer Magazines," Journal of Media Planning, Vol. 3, No. 2, Fall 1988, pp. 22-28.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Jung-Sook Lee and Helen E. Katz, "Evaluating Daily and Sunday Newspaper Advertising Schedules," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 1988 Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 1988, pp. RC10-15.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Helen E. Katz, "Evaluating the Combined Impact of Multiple Advertising Media Categories," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, 1988 Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 1988, pp. RC16-21.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Peter E. Helander, "Forecasting Advertising Effects Using Media Exposure Distribution Models: Some Test Market Results," Proceedings of the 1987 Annual Conference of the American Statistical Association, Section on Business and Economic Statistics, Subsection on Statistical Applications in Marketing, San Francisco, California, August 1987, pp. 580-585.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Helen E. Katz, "Evaluating Cable Television Network Advertising Schedules," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1987, pp. R44-R49.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Peggy J. Kreshel and Joya R. Harris, "Estimating the Impact of Advertising Media Plans: Media Executives Describe Weighting and Timing Factors," Journal of Advertising, 15:3 (September 1986), pp. 21-29, 45.
- Peggy J. Kreshel, Kent M. Lancaster and Margaret A. Toomey, "How Leading Advertising Agencies Perceive Effective Reach and Frequency," Journal of Advertising, 14:3 (1985), pp. 32-38, 51.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Peggy J. Kreshel and Margaret A. Toomey, "Estimating the Communication Impact of Advertising Media Plans," Proceedings of the Atlantic Marketing Association Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 8-11, 1986, pp. 31-39.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Helen E. Katz, "Putting Advertising Theory Into Practice Using ADPLAN on the Microcomputer," Proceedings of the XVIth Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Toronto, Canada, June 1987, pp. M1-M16.
- Kenneth D. Boyer and Kent M. Lancaster, "Are There Scale Economies in Advertising?" Journal of Business, 59:3 (July 1986), pp. 509-526.
- Roxanne W. Hovland and Kent M. Lancaster, "Do Concentrated Markets Spend More on Advertising? Evidence on Nondurable Consumer Goods Industries," Journal of Macromarketing, 5:2 (Fall 1985), pp. 17-31.
- Kent M. Lancaster, John D. Leckenby and Judith A. Stern, "Teaching Advertising Media Planning Using Interactive Media Models," Journal of Marketing Education, (Spring 1985), pp. 22-28.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Brand Advertising Competition and Industry Demand," Journal of Advertising, 13:4 (1984), pp. 19-30. Reprinted with the permission of the Journal of Advertising as Chapter 20 in Roxanne Hovland and Gary B. Wilcox, editors, Advertising in Society: Classic and Contemporary Readings on Advertising's Role in Society, Lincolnwood: NTC Business Books, 1988, pp. 334-56.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Spencer F. Tinkham, and James E. Haefner, "Economic Aspects of Advertising: Assessing Data Interval Bias," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Denver, Colorado, March 1984, pp. 1-5, (Lead Article).
- Kent M. Lancaster and Judith A. Stern, "Computer-Based Advertising Budgeting Practices of Leading U.S. Consumer Advertisers," Journal of Advertising, 12 (December 1983), pp. 4-9, (Lead Article).
- James E. Haefner, Kent M. Lancaster, and Spencer F. Tinkham, "Advertising and Consumer Sampling Behavior," Journalism Quarterly, 60 (Winter 1983), pp. 691-99.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Advertising: Teaching its Economic and Legal Aspects," Journal of Marketing Education, (Fall 1983), pp. 18-22.
- David R. Gusse and Kent M. Lancaster, "Using on-line data services makes course more realistic," Journalism Educator, (Autumn 1983), pp. 6-10, 38.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Duke O. Yaguchi, "How economists have treated advertising: 1890-1940," Journal of Advertising History, 7 (October 1983), pp. 14-29.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Determining the Appropriate Fees Universities should charge for Broadcast Rights," Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, Marketing Education Division, "Spectator Sports Marketing Workshop," University of Notre Dame, April 22-23, 1982, pp. 211-39.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Rajeev Batra, and Gordon E. Miracle, "How the Level, Intensity and Distribution of Advertising Affect Market Concentration," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 27-30, 1982, pp. 53-59.
- Marsha M. Boyd and Kent M. Lancaster, "Welfare Gains from Advertising in the Electronic Calculator Industry," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Lincoln, Nebraska, March 27-30, 1982, pp. 12-18.
- James E. Haefner, Kent M. Lancaster, and Spencer F. Tinkham, "Does Brand Advertising Increase Consumer Search?" Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Gainesville, Florida, April 1981, pp. 22-25.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Duke O. Yaguchi, "A Historical Analysis of how Economists have Treated Advertising: 1890-1940," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, East Lansing, Michigan, April 1979, pp. 123-131.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Gordon E. Miracle, "Advertising and Market Concentration: Some Empirical Evidence on Selected Product Categories," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Columbus, South Carolina, April 1978, pp. 41-47.
Non-refereed Articles
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Planners as Forecasters," Marketing and Media Decisions, 22:7, July 1987, p. 160.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Lisa Kay Slabon, "Developing and Integrating Marketing, Advertising and Media Objectives and the Advertising Budget, Using ADGOAL on the Microcomputer," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1987, pp. NR127-32.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Margaret A. Toomey, Sheryl A. Bahnks and Sheri Kramer, "Advertising Media Plan Development and Evaluation Using Microcomputer Systems," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, March 1986, pp. NR150-55.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Thomas C. O'Guinn, "Developing an Advertising Research Center," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Columbia, South Carolina, March 1985, pp. NR152-56.
- Buffo, Douglas J., Margaret A. Toomey, Lucy M. Wood, and Kent M. Lancaster, "ADPLAN: An Interactive Advertising Media Planning System," Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Columbia, South Carolina, March 1985, pp. NR165-70.
Widely Circulated Working Papers
- The Media Group, Optimizing Media Plans, Department of Advertising, University of Florida, Summer 1989.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Helen E. Katz, "Advertising Media Planning and Evaluation," Special Advertising Working Paper, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 1988, August 1987, November 1986, June 1986, January 1986 (full and abridged versions), August 1985.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Optimizing Advertising Media Plans Using ADOPT on the Microcomputer," Special Advertising Working Paper, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, December 1987.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Jung-Sook Lee and Helen Katz, "Evaluating Daily and Sunday Newspaper Advertising Schedules," Advertising Working Papers, No. 22, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 1987.
- Peggy J. Kreshel, Kent M. Lancaster, and Margaret A. Toomey, "Advertising Media Planning: How Leading Advertising Agencies Estimate Effective Reach and Frequency," Advertising Working Papers, No. 20, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 1985, 36 pages.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Economic Aspects of Advertising," an annotated bibliography in "Defining the core of the Discipline," edited by Charles F. Frazer, Advertising Working Papers, No. 18, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 1985.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "An Evaluation of the Visiting Professor Program at J. Walter Thompson, Summer 1980," In "Visiting Professor Program," sponsored by the Advertising Educational Foundation and the American Academy of Advertising, Edited by Barton A. Cummings, Chairman, Advertising Educational Foundation and chairman of the Executive Committee of Compton Advertising, Inc., January 1981.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Gordon E. Miracle, "How Advertising Can Have Largely Anticompetitive Effects in One Sector But Largely Procompetitive Effects in Another," Advertising Working Papers, No. 7, Department of Advertising, College of Communications, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, November 1979.
Lectures/Papers Presented at Scholarly/Professional Meetings:
Refereed Papers
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Optimizing Advertising Media Plans Using ADOPT on the Microcomputer," American Marketing Association, Microcomputers in Marketing Workshop, University of Hawaii at Manoa, October 1987.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Margaret A. Toomey, Sheryl Bahnks and Sheri Kramer, "Using the Microcomputer for Advertising Media Planning and Research," Presented at the American Marketing Association 1986 Winter Marketing Educators' Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, February 16-19, 1986.
- Kent M. Lancaster, John D. Leckenby and Judith A. Stern, "Teaching Advertising Media Planning: Using Interactive Media Models in the Development and Evaluation of Comprehensive Media Plans," Workshop Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Denver, Colorado, March 1984.
- David R. Gusse and Kent M. Lancaster, "Establishing On-Line Marketing/Media Systems Within the Advertising Curriculum: A Cost/Benefit Analysis," Workshop Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Lawrence, Kansas, March 1983.
Invited Presentations
- Kent M. Lancaster and Tara Anne Michels, "Web/Online Advertising: Cumulative, Daily, and Incremental Reach n+," American Academy of Advertising Pre-Conference on Emerging Media: Marketing Communication in the Digital World, Lexington, Kentucky, March 26, 1998.
- Harry Appel and Kent M. Lancaster, "ADplus with FlowMaster," 40th Annual Conference of the Advertising Research Foundation, New York, New York, April 1994.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Advertising Media Planning using ADplus with FlowMaster for Windows," Special Session on New Technology in the Classroom, American Academy of Advertising Conference, Tucson, Arizona, April 8-11, 1994.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Using ADplus with FlowMaster to Develop Advertising Media Plans," The Mariah Group, Sea Island, Georgia, March 1994.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Developing Media Plans Using MFO Media Audience Data On-line and ADplus with FlowMaster," Port of Spain, Trinidad, November 1993.
- Faculty Instructor, Gannett Seminar for Advertising Teachers, "Teaching the Advertising Media Course," University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 1988, June 1989, June 1990, June 1991.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Microcomputer Models in Advertising Education," American Marketing Association Conference on "Micro (Personal) Computers in Marketing: Applications and Education," Chicago, Illinois, June 13, 1988.
- Kent M. Lancaster, Peggy J. Kreshel and Margaret A. Toomey, "How Should Advertising Media Planners Estimate Effective Reach and Frequency?" Presented at the 1985 McElroy Symposium on Current Trends in Broadcast Advertising, University of Northern Iowa, April 1985.
Non-refereed Papers
- Kent M. Lancaster and Thomas C. Martin, "Identifying Optimum Advertising Media Schedules," Presented at the 1989 Winter Conference of the American Statistical Association, San Diego, California, January 4-6, 1989.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Economic Aspects of Advertising," an annotated bibliography in "Defining the core of the Discipline," edited by Charles F. Frazer, for the Workshop Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising, Denver, Colorado, March 1984.
Unpublished Manuscripts
- Kent M. Lancaster and Lisa Kay Slabon, "Developing and Integrating Marketing, Advertising and Media Objectives and the Advertising Budget, Using ADGOAL on the Microcomputer: Manuscript, Software, Sample Interaction, and Transparency Masters," Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 1987, 88 pages.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Charles Sandage, "How Advertising Has Been Viewed by Farmers: 1958-1985," 1986.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Estimating the Advertising-Sales Response Function for Brands with Advertising Budgets Based Largely on Fixed Guidelines," Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 1983.
- Kent M. Lancaster, "Advertising, Competition and Consumer Welfare," Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1983.
- Kent M. Lancaster and Lawrence C. Soley, "The Impact of Market Structure on Radio Station Audience Size," Unpublished Manuscript, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, February 1981.
Expert Witness:
- Mary Lewis, et al., v. Lead Industries Association, Inc., et al., In the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, County Department, Chancery Division, Case No. 00 CH 9800. Provided media analyses and affidavits, May-July 2009, September-October 2016.
- Kathleen Donovan and Patricia Cawley, on behalf of themselves and others similarly situated v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, Civil Action No. 06-12234 DJC. Provided media analyses and affidavits on class notice, April 2011-August 2012, May-November 2015.
- Wayne Miner and James Easley, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., a corporation and Philip Morris Incorporated, a corporation, In the Circuit Court of Pulaski County, Arkansas, Sixth Division, Case No.: 60CV03-4661. Provided media analyses on class notice, December 2013-April 2015.
- Steven Scharfstein, individually and on behalf of all other similarly situated persons, v. BP West Coast Products, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, No. 1112-17046. Provided declaration on class notice, June 5, 2014.
- In re POM Wonderful LLC Marketing and Sales Practices Litigation, United States District Court, Central District of California, Case No. ML 10-02199 DDP (RZx) MDL Number 2199. Provided media analyses, expert reports, and deposition, May-October, 2013.
- Janet Skold and David Dossantos on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated v. Intel Corporation and Hewlett- Packard Company, Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No. 1- 05-CV-039231. Provided declaration on class notice, August 2012-January 2013.
- In re Toyota Motor Corp. Unintended Acceleration Marketing, Sales Practices, and Products Liability Litigation, United States District Court, Central District of California, Southern Division, Case No. 8:10ML2151 JVS (FMOx). Provided two confidential expert reports and two confidential/highly confidential depositions on Toyota advertising activity and coverage, April-October 2012.
- Irish Imeri, Lisa Parish, Debra Abercrombie, Raymond Graves, and Ewan McMurchie, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. Ferman Management Services Corporation, Ferman Motor Car Company, Inc., Sunshine Chevrolet-Oldsmobile of Tarpon Springs, Inc., Ferman On 54, Inc., and Ferman of Plant City, LLC, In the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County, Florida Civil Division, Case No.: 09-8586-C1-020. Prepared affidavit on adequacy of individual mailed settlement class notice, August 2010.
- In re Marine Hose Antitrust Litigation, United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Miami Division, Master Docket No. 08-MDL-1888-Graham/Turnoff. Prepared affidavit on effectiveness of settlement class notice, November 2009. Vitae, Kent M. Lancaster, June 2017, Page 13 of 21
- Gregory Curtis, Joni Kay Hanzal, Josephine Leonard, and Randy Hoskins, Individually, and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. Altria Group, Inc. and Philip Morris USA, Inc. In the State of Minnesota, District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Case Type: Other Civil, Court File No. 27-CV-01-018042. Provided media analyses and affidavit, April-May 2009.
- Rose Goudeau, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Tony Goudeau, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Dawn Dazet, on behalf of herself, on behalf of her minor child, Nicole Elizabeth Dazet, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Elaine Wagener, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Leola M. Ajan, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Leona E. Falgout, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Patricia Hurst, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; John S. Burk, Sr., individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; John S. Burk, Jr., individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Judy A. Lynn, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Susan Cook, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Pamela M. Beach, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Richard B. Beach, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; Paul M. Beach, II, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated; and Shari Beach, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v. The Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund d/b/a The Tulane University of Louisiana and d/b/a Tulane University School of Medicine, Mary Bitner Anderson, Individually And In Her Capacity as Director of the Tulane Willed Body Program, and National Anatomical Service, Inc. In the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, Case No. 2004-04758, Division J, Section 13. Prepared media analyses and evaluations, October-November 2008.
- Lorie J. Marshall, et al., Individually and On behalf of All Other Similarly Situated, v. H&R Block, Inc., et al. In the Circuit Court, Third Judicial Circuit, Madison County, Illinois, Case No. 02 L 04. Prepared media analyses, affidavit, and confidential deposition, January 2007-July 2008.
- Enrique Y. Galura and Marisa Hazelton, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. Sonic Automotive, Inc., a North Carolina corporation. In the Circuit Court of the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Hillsborough County Civil Division, Case No.: 02-12274, Division: B. Prepared individual notice content and affidavit, September-November 2007.
- In re Johns-Manville Corporation, Manville Corporation, Manville International Corporation, Manville Export Corporation, Johns-Manville International Corporation, Manville Sales Corporation f/k/a Johns-Manville Sales Corporation, successor by merger to Manville Buildings Materials Corporation, Manville Products Corporation and Manville Service Corporation, Manville International Canada, Inc., Manville Canada, Inc., Manville Investment Corporation, Manville Properties Corporation, Allan-Deane Corporation, Ken-Caryl Ranch Corporation, Johns- Manville Idaho, Inc., Manville Canada Service, Inc., and Sunbelt Contractors, Inc. In the United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York, Chapter 11, Case Nos. 82 B 11656, 82 B 11657, 82 B 11660, 82 B 11661, 82 B 11665 through 82 B 11673, 82 B 11657, 82 B 11676 (BRL). Prepared media notice plans for Johns- Manville/Travelers in collaboration with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Class Action Services, in response to RFP, October- November 2007.
- In re Clean Harbors Plaquemine, LLC, 42 Longwater Drive, P.O. Box 9149, Norwell, MA 02061-9149, Tax ID: XX- XXX5280. In the United States Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Louisiana, Chapter 11, Case No. 07-10019. Walter Allen, et al. v. Rollins Environmental Services, Inc., et al., ADV No. 07-01134. Prepared publication notice plan and affidavit, September-November 2007.
- Allan B. Ho, on behalf of himself and all others similarly situated v. Mail Boxes, Etc., USA, Inc., Mail Boxes, Etc., Store No. 2710, Nancy Newport, and mail Boxes Etc., Inc. In the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, County Department, Chancery Division, No. 99 CH 3657, Filed under Seal Pursuant to Protective Order dated October 22, 1999. Prepared media notice plan in collaboration with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Class Action Services, in response to RFP, October 2007.
- In re Peter Raymond LaFuria, M.D. In the United States Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Louisiana, Lake Charles Division, Case No. 07-20346, Chapter 11. Provided assistance on the development and implementation of noticing procedures, July-August 2007.
- Hilda Perez, on Behalf of Herself and All Others Similarly Situated v Rent-a-Center, Inc. In the Superior Court of New Jersey Law Division: Camden County, Docket No. CAM-L-21-03. Prepared individual notice content, May-August 2007.
- Arthur Schexnayder, Jr., Alice Labat, Estate of Theodore Dreyfus, Inc. v. Entergy Louisiana, Inc., Entergy Services, Inc., Entergy Technology Holding Company, and Entergy Technology Company. In the 23rd Judicial District Court, Parish of St. James, State of Louisiana, No. 28,907 Div. “B.” Prepared media analyses, prepared to testify, appeared in Court, February-May 2007.
- In re Air Cargo Shipping Services Antitrust Litigation, MDL No. 1775. In the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, Master File 06-MD-1775 (CBA) (VVP). Prepared international media notice plans for proposed Lufthansa/Swiss Air settlement in collaboration with Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Class Action Services, in response to RFP, January-March 2007.
- Stephen and Anne Parker, Julie Cox, William, and Sharon Rolader, Individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated v. American Medical Security Group, Inc., a corporation; United Wisconsin Life Insurance company, a corporation; Tony Keith, Chester Smallwood, and Darrel Blair, licensed agents, individually and as co-representatives of a defendant class of others similarly situated. In the Superior Court of Cobb County, State of Georgia, Civil Action File No: 04-1-1980-42. Prepared individual notice content, December 2006.
- Lane’s Gifts and Collectibles, L.L.C., and Max Daulfield, d/b/a Caulfield Investigations, Individually and as Class Representatives on behalf of All Similarly Situated Persons v. Yahoo! Inc., Overture Services, Inc., Time Warner, Inc., America Online, Inc., Netscape Communications Corporation, Ask Jeeves, Inc., Buena Vista Internet Group d/b/a GO.COM, Google Inc., Lycos, Inc., Looksmart, Ltd., and Miva, Inc. In the Circuit Court of Miller County, Arkansas, Civil Action No.: CV-2005-52-1. Provided media and notice content analyses and affidavit, July 2006.
- Roy Veal, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, v. Crown Auto Dealerships, Inc. In United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, Case No. 8:04-CV-323-T-27MSS. Prepared individual notice content and affidavit, April 2006.
- Sullivan v. De Beers Investments, Inc., et al. In U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey, No. 04-2819 (SRC). Prepared response to Request for Proposal (RFP) on Media Notice for proposed Settlement Agreement, March 2006.
- Steven E. Eisenberg, Joanne Eisenberg, Daniel F. Leary, Michael Tully, Sue Tully, Plaintiffs, On Behalf of Themselves, and All Others Similarly Situated and the General Public, v. Anheuser-Busch, Inc., Adolph Coors Company, Allied Domecq PLC, Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine USA, Inc., Allied Domecq Spirits USA, A Division of Allied Domecq PLC, Allied Domecq Spirits, North America, A Division of Allied Domecq PLC, Bacardi USA, Inc., Bacardi Limited, Bacardi & Company Limited, Bacardi Group, The Boston Beer Company, Inc., Brown-Forman Corporation, The Beer Institute, Inc., Brown-Forman Beverages Worldwide, Coors Brewing Company, Diageo PLC, Diageo North America, Inc., Fortune Brands, Inc., Heineken, N.V., Heineken USA, Inc., Jim Beam Brands Co., Kobrand Corporation, Labatt Brewing Co., Ltd., Labatt USA, Mark Anthony Brands, Inc., Mark Anthony Brands, Ltd., Mark Anthony Group, Mark Anthony International, Mast-Jaegermeister AG, Mike’s Hard Lemonade Company, Miller Brewing Co., Paddington, Ltd., SAB Miller PLC, Samuel Adams Brewery Company, Ltd., d/b/a The Twisted Tea Brewing Company, Sidney Frank Importing Co., Inc., Skyy Spirits, LLC, Zima Beverage Company, A Division of Coors Brewing Co., and John Does 1-99, Defendants. In the United States District Court, for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, Case No. 1:04-CV-1081. Reviewed and evaluated Heineken advertising media activity, November 2005-January 2006.
- Gregory Curtis, Joni Kay Hanzal, Josephine Leonard, and Randy Hoskins, Individually, and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc. and Philip Morris USA, Inc. In the State of Minnesota, District Court, County of Hennepin, Fourth Judicial District, Court File No. PI 01-018042. Provided media analyses and affidavits, February-March 2005.
- Lori Aspinall and Thomas Geanacopoulos, on behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., and Philip Morris, Inc. In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Suffolk, SS., Superior Court, C.A. No. 98-6002-H. Provided media analyses, affidavit, and deposition, March-April 2003, November-December 2004.
- Gloria Scott, et al., v. The American Tobacco Company, Inc., et al., In the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, No. 96-8461, Division K-14, Docket No. 4. Provided analyses, affidavits, and deposition on proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans, March-November 1999, January-April 2004.
- Catherine S. Marrone, On Behalf of Herself & Others, & Greg and Eva Phillips, On Behalf of Themselves & Others, Plaintiffs, Vs. Philip Morris, USA, Inc., et al., Defendant. In the Court of Common Pleas, Medina County, Ohio, Case No. 99-CIV-0954, 01-CIV-0413. Provided assessment of Court-ordered notice plan, October 2003.
- Susan Miles and Linda J. McHatton, individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., a corporation, and Philip Morris Incorporated, a corporation. In the Circuit Court, Third Judicial Circuit, Madison County, Illinois, NO. 00-L-112. Provided media analyses and affidavits, April 2001, May 2002, and September 2002.
- John P. Hines and Delores Howell, individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, vs. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., a foreign corporation, and Philip Morris Incorporated, a foreign corporation. In the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida - Civil Division, Case No: CA 01-1882 AF. Prepared analyses, June-August 2002.
- Sara Howard, Lisa Greene, Bonnie R. Laleman, Charlonda Walker, Gina M. Hargrave, and Donna Azbill, individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation, a corporation. In the Circuit Court, Third Judicial Circuit, Madison County, Illinois, NO. 00-L-136. Provided media analyses and affidavit, May 2002.
- Bob Greenberg and Bob Greenberg Photo Productions, Inc., v. Vision-Ease Lens, Inc., a foreign corporation, and Lenscrafters, Inc., a foreign corporation. In the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case No. 99- 3131, Civil Division. Prepared expert report, deposition, testimony, March 2000-March 2002.
- Willard R. Brown, individually, on behalf of the General Public of the State of California, as well as on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, v. The American Tobacco Company, Inc., et al. In the Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Diego, JCCP No. 4042, Class Action. Provided media analyses and declarations, August-February, 2002.
- Devin Daniels, et al., v. Philip Morris Inc., et al. In the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, San Diego Superior Court Case No., 719446. Provided media analyses and declarations, January-March 2001.
- Gary Gustafson, Michael Devening, William Wehking, and Kathleen Wehking, et al., on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated, v. Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc., In the United States District Court for the Southern District of Illinois, Civil Action No. 00-612-DHR. Provided media analyses, deposition, September 2000-present.
- American Marine Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Donzi Marine, v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company and Gyro Advertising, Inc., In the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, Case No. 98-2230-CIV-T-26B. Prepared expert report, deposition, February 2000-present.
- Jackie Bauer and Ed Ratliff, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated, v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., and Philip Morris Incorporated, In the Missouri Circuit Court, Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit (City of St. Louis), Cause No. 002-00406, Division No. 1. Provided analyses and affidavit on alternative corrective advertising campaigns, May-June 2000.
- Catherine S. Marrone, et al., v. Philip Morris Companies, et al., In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division, No. 1:99CV 2992. Provided analyses and affidavit on alternative corrective advertising campaigns, January-February 2000.
- Collette Engle, et al., v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., and Philip Morris Incorporated, In the Superior Court of the State of Arizona, in and for the County of Maricopa, Case No. CV 99-12739. Provided analyses and affidavit on alternative corrective advertising campaigns, December 1999-January 2000.
- Debi McClure, et al., v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., and Philip Morris Incorporated, In the United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee, Civil Action No. 3:99-0197. Provided analyses and affidavit on alternative corrective advertising campaigns, October-November 1999.
- Julie Cocca, Elizabeth Davison, Stephanie McVey, Nancy Stinnett, and Tonia Tamboli, et al., v. Philip Morris, Inc., In the United States District Court for the District of Arizona, No. CIV 99-1009 PHX SMM. Provided analyses and affidavit on alternative corrective advertising campaigns, July-August 1999.
- Gloria Scott, et al., v. The American Tobacco Company, Inc., et al., In the Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana, Np. 96-8461, Division K-14, Docket No. 4. Provided analysis and affidavit on proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans, March-July 1999.
- El Dia, Inc., Puerto Rican Cement Company, Inc., and Desarrollos Multiples Insulares Inc., v. Pedro Rossello, Norma Burgos, Angel Morey, Pedro Rosario Urdaz, Jose A. Alicea Rivera, Maria Gordillo, Jose Caballero, and Jose Rios Davila, In the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, Civil Action No.: 97-2841. Provided information and analyses, June-August 1998.
- Mildred C. Richardson, et at., v. Philip Morris Incorporated, et al., In the Circuit Court for Baltimore City, Civil Action No.: 96145050/CE212596. Provided analyses and affidavit on proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans, February 1998.
- DeSoto Broadcasting, Inc., as the General Partner of and on behalf of DeSoto-Channel 62 Associates, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, v. Comcast Cablevision of West Florida, Inc., a Delaware corporation, In the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division, Case No. 96-1581-CIV-T-24A. Provided information, analyses, expert report, and affidavit on the nature and scope of advertising media competition within local markets, January-February 1998.
- Hoskins v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, et al., (110951/96); Small v. Lorillard Tobacco Company, et al., (110949/96); Frosina v. Philip Morris, et al., (110950/96); Zito v. American Tobacco Company, et al., (110952/96); and Hoberman v. Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., et al., (110953/96), In the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York: Commercial Part 53. Provided analyses of proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans, October-November 1997.
- Howard A. Engle, M.D. et al., v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, et al., In the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit in and for Dade County, Florida, General Jurisdiction Division, Case No. 94-08273 CA 20. Provided analyses of proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans and subsequent affidavits, deposition, and court testimony, September 1995-June 1997.
- Norma R. Broin, et al., v. Philip Morris Companies, Inc., et al., In the Circuit Court of the 11th Judicial Circuit in and for Dade County, Florida, General Jurisdiction Division, Case No. 91-49738 CA 22. Provided analyses of proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans and class size plus subsequent affidavits and court testimony, April-December 1996.
- Dianne Castano, et al., v. The American Tobacco Company, et al., United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, Civil Action No. 94-1044, Section "S," Magistrate "5". Provided analyses of proposed and alternative mass media class notice plans, April-August, 1995.
Memberships/Service in Professional Organizations:
Editorships of Journals or Other Learned Publications
- Editorial Board, Journal of Interactive Advertising.
- Editorial Board, Reviewer, Journal of Advertising.
- Editorial Board, Reviewer, Journal of Media Planning.
- Reviewer, Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Reviewer, Proceedings of the American Marketing Assoc.
- Reviewer, Society for Marketing Advances Conference.
- Reviewer, Journalism Quarterly.
- Reviewer, Journalism Educator.
- Reviewer, American Statistical Association.
Professional Service
- Served as chair, discussant, moderator, and presenter at a variety of academic and professional conferences
- American Academy of Advertising (Treasurer, elected 1990-91).
- American Marketing Association.
- Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.
- American Statistical Association.
- Audit Bureau of Circulations.
- European Marketing Academy.
Administrative Services to the University
University of Florida
College of Communications
- Affirmative Action
- Tenure and Promotion Committee (Elected, Chair)
- Research Committee
- Technology Committee
- Futures Committee (Elected)
- Mid-Semester College-Wide Faculty Meeting (Chair)
- Constitution Revision Committee (Elected)
- Sabbatical Committee (Elected)
- Administrative Council (Elected)
- Graduate Committee
- Graduate Admissions Subcommittee
- Doctoral Program Group
- Doctoral Program Refinement Subcommittee
- Course Evaluation Committee
- Master's Comprehensive Exam Committee
- Information Resources Committee
Department of Advertising
- Search Committee (Chair)
- Undergraduate and Graduate Student Adviser
- Commencement Marshall
University of Illinois
- Undergraduate Instructional Awards Committee
- Faculty Senate (elected)
College of Communications
- Executive Committee (elected)
- Courses and Curricula Committee
- Colloquium Committee
- Alumni Relations Committee
Department of Advertising
- Advisory Committee (elected)
- Faculty Search Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Working Paper Series (Editor)
- Advertising Research Center Committee (Chair)
- Computer Committee (Chair)
- Undergraduate Student Adviser
- Adviser to the Student Advertising Club
- Student Organizations and Meetings Committee (Chair)